HEōS is the name of the god of "dawn" in Greek mythology. Dawn is the beginning of the day and is widely beloved to be the most mysterious yet beautiful time of the day. For the upcoming collection, we aim to put forward some mixed senses of relaxation,excitements , combination of a touch of firming to everyday life. by music, visuals, books, and daily emotions, the products created from these inspirations are deemed to conceive a unique atmosphere with a touch of elegance presented by the finest craft of local artisans.
暁川翔真 中国出身。東京モード学園卒業。大手アパレル会社、パリコレブランドなどでパタンナーとして経験し、17年にフリーのモデリスト、デザイナーとして活動。21AWからブランドを本格的にスタートしました。
Shoma Akatsukigawa, born in China and graduated from Tokyo Mode Gakuen, he is the founder and designer of HEōS. Before starting his own label in 2021, Akatsukigawa worked as a pattern maker for major apparel companies and helped presented their collections regularly in Paris. He switched to doing freelance designing and worked as a modelist around 2017, and started his brand in 2021AW.